
So what is the Insiders Podcast actually about?

Well, it was born from the desire to share our expertise and experience with a wider e-commerce community. With so many people reaching out to us for advice and insights, we realised that we could have a bigger impact by sharing our knowledge with a wider audience.

Background and Expertise in Web Industry and E-commerce

Now I’ve been around the web industry block for a while now. It’s been quite the ride. I’ve had the privilege of working with some of the biggest brand websites in the world. And let me tell you, those projects were no walk in the park, but with over two decades of experience.

I’ve picked up a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t. I’ve also worked within the cryptocurrency, blockchain and NFT industry. I had the opportunity to serve as the marketing director for Bitcoin Cash. It was an exciting time. I loved being at the forefront of new technology and learning all about how it can be a game changer.

Nowadays, I run an e-commerce development agency and it’s all about helping e-commerce stores grow and thrive. It’s the perfect combination of my web experience and my passion for technology and innovation. I’ve seen the ins and outs of what it takes to succeed online. And I’m here to share my knowledge and help businesses reach new heights.

Challenges and Misconceptions in E-commerce and Online Business

As you know, we’re all bombarded by social media advertisements, promising quick riches through e-commerce. But the reality is that most of these get-rich-quick schemes are actually cons. We’ve seen so many people fall victim of these tactics, spending their hard-earned money on courses and advertising campaigns that just don’t work.

Goal of the Podcast: Providing Actionable E-commerce Advice

One common example is an advertisement claiming that you can make a fortune by setting up a drop-shipping business with little to no upfront investment. This advertisement promises huge profits with minimum effort and claims that anyone can do it, regardless of their experience or background. The reality, however, is that drop-shipping is a highly competitive business model that requires a lot of hard work and dedication to be successful.

It can also be difficult to find reliable suppliers and maintain a good profit margin. Another example is an advertisement claiming that you can make a large residual income by selling products on a platform like Amazon and Etsy with little effort. This type of advertisement often promises huge profits without disclosing the amount of work and investment required to actually make a sale.

In both these cases, the advertisements are designed to be highly persuasive and to appeal to people’s desire for easy money. But in reality, making a successful e-commerce business takes hard work, dedication, and a lot of time and effort. I suppose you could say that our goal is to cut through the noise and provide real actionable advice to help e-commerce businesses succeed.

Encouragement for Entrepreneurs: Facing Fears and Taking Risks

Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned pro, we want to empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed decisions and grow your business. So why not join us on our mission to help e-commerce businesses thrive?

Listen to our podcasts, ask your questions and let’s work together to build a brighter future for the e-commerce community. Together we can demystify the world of e-commerce and help entrepreneurs achieve their dreams. We believe in the power of collaboration and we’re excited to be part of this vibrant, dynamic community. So let’s get started and take your e-commerce business to the next level.

And for those entrepreneurs who are feeling scared about starting their own business, I want to talk to you about facing your fears. I know it can be intimidating to take that first step, but I want to remind you that fear shouldn’t keep us from chasing our dreams. Don’t let it hold you back from starting your own business and pursuing your passion.

As Michael Foucault once said:

The only way to deal with fear of the unknown is to get to know it. In other words, we must confront our fears in order to overcome them.

Starting a business is no different. We must be willing to take risks and face our fears head-on.

Lessons from Personal Experience and Inspirational Quotes

When I was 21, I was introduced to multi-level marketing, selling water filters. I never made money from it, but all those meetings provided me with many valuable lessons on business and self-belief. My mentor used to give me tapes- I’m showing my age now- with recordings from the likes of Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, and Stephen Covey. One Zig Ziglar quote that has always stuck with me is:

Fear has two meanings, forget everything and run, or face everything and rise. The choice is yours.

This quote encourages people to choose the latter interpretation and to face their fears head-on, so they can achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

Think about the countless entrepreneurs who’ve come before us. They took a chance and started a business, not knowing what the future would hold. And through hard work and determination, they were able to overcome their fears and build successful businesses.

I do want to remind you that success doesn’t come overnight. It takes time and effort, but the reward is worth it. So don’t be discouraged if you encounter challenges along the way.

Instead, use those challenges as opportunities to grow and learn. And just like Martin Luther King Jr. once said:

Faith is taking the first step, even when you don’t see the whole staircase.

So I encourage you to take the first step and start your business. Don’t wait for the perfect moment because it may never come. Instead, make the moment perfect by taking action.

Conclusion: Encouraging Persistence and Action in E-commerce Ventures

And that concludes another episode of The Insiders Podcast. We hope you enjoyed our discussion about the realities of starting an e-commerce business and our mission to empower entrepreneurs with actionable advice. Remember, making a successful e-commerce business takes hard work, dedication, and a lot of time and effort, but the reward is worth it.

We encourage you to face your fears and take the first step towards your dream. And for those already in the e-commerce game, don’t be discouraged by the challenges you may encounter. Use them as opportunities to grow and learn.

Join us on our mission to help e-commerce businesses thrive by following and subscribing to the Insiders Podcast. We’re excited to continue our journey with you. So until next time, stay focused and stay driven.


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